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What is Automation in Human Resources, Process and More

Rebecca Miller March 25, 2024 3 min
What is Automation in Human Resources

Did you know that HR professionals spend an average of 40% of their time on administrative tasks like data entry and scheduling?  That’s a significant chunk of time dedicated to repetitive work that could be better spent on strategic initiatives and employee engagement.

The answer lies in the magic of HR automation!

By leveraging technology to streamline these mundane tasks, HR teams can unlock a world of efficiency and unlock their true potential.

Ready to learn how HR automation can transform your HR department?  Dive into this blog to discover the benefits, explore practical examples, and unlock a roadmap to implement this powerful tool in your organization.

What is Automation in Human Resources?

HR automation refers to the use of technology to streamline and automate repetitive tasks within the Human Resources department. Imagine replacing manual data entry, scheduling, and approvals with software that handles these processes efficiently and consistently. This allows HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives and employee relations.

Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects of HR automation:

  • Technology: This can include various software solutions like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), onboarding platforms, payroll systems, and more.
  • Streamlining: Automation simplifies complex workflows by automating repetitive steps, making them faster and more efficient.
  • Repetitive Tasks: These are the bread-and-butter activities of HR automation, such as scheduling interviews, processing expense claims, or managing time-off requests.

In essence, HR automation leverages technology to take the grunt work out of HR, freeing up professionals to focus on the human aspects of their role.

Why Should HR Leaders Care About HR Automation?

You’re drowning in a sea of paperwork, approvals are taking forever, and that strategic project you’ve been meaning to tackle keeps getting pushed back.  This is the reality for many HR leaders today.

HR automation is here to be your life raft. Here’s why you, as an HR leader, should seriously consider embracing it:

  • Free Up Your Time:

Imagine saying goodbye to manually processing mountains of paperwork or scheduling back-to-back interview meetings. Automation handles those repetitive tasks, freeing you up to focus on what truly matters – your people.

  • Boost Efficiency:

Streamlined workflows, automated approvals, and faster turnaround times are the hallmarks of HR automation. HR management means getting more done in less time, allowing you to optimize your team’s performance and deliver results faster.

  • Become More Strategic:

Less time spent on administrative tasks means more time for strategic thinking. Focus on talent management initiatives, employee engagement programs, and fostering a positive work culture. This is where your expertise truly shines.

  • Reduce Errors:

Say goodbye to typos and human error in data entry. Automation ensures accuracy and consistency in your HR processes, minimizing the risk of costly mistakes.

HR automation isn’t about replacing the human touch in HR. It’s about empowering you to be a more strategic leader, one who focuses on building a thriving workforce and driving organizational success.  So, ditch the busywork and embrace the power of automation – your future self (and your team) will thank you for it.

Addressing Concerns About HR Automation

HR automation is a powerful tool, but it’s natural to have questions or concerns. Here, we want to address two common ones:

  • Job displacement:

While automation streamlines tasks, it doesn’t necessarily eliminate jobs. Instead, it frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives, such as talent management, employee engagement, and building a positive work culture.

This shift requires upskilling and adapting to new responsibilities, but it ultimately leads to a more fulfilling and impactful role for HR professionals.

  • Impersonalization:

HR automation is about efficiency, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of human connection.  The best HR automation solutions complement the human touch.

For example, automated onboarding can free up time for HR to personalize the new hire experience through welcome lunches or mentorship programs.  Similarly, automated performance tracking tools can provide valuable data to inform more meaningful performance conversations with employees.

By embracing automation strategically, HR can become more efficient and people-centric, creating a win-win situation for both the organization and its employees.

Win-Win with HR Automation: Benefits for Everyone

HR automation isn’t just a magic trick for HR departments. It delivers a double dose of awesome for both HR teams and employees. Here’s how:

Hr automation benefits

HR Gets a Boost:

  • Ditch the endless paperwork and approvals. Automation streamlines processes, freeing up valuable time for strategic initiatives.
  • Say goodbye to repetitive tasks. HR can focus on talent management, employee engagement, and building a thriving company culture.
  • Automated processes minimize human error, ensuring consistent and accurate data in your HR systems.
  • Streamlined workflows help ensure adherence to complex regulations, saving you time and headaches.

Employees Feel the Love:

  • No more getting lost in paperwork. Automated onboarding gets employees up and running faster.
  • Need time off or want to update benefits? Self-service portals and automated approvals make it a breeze.
  • Automated workflows ensure requests get processed quickly, keeping employees happy and productive.
  • Less time dealing with HR admin means more time for employees to focus on their core job responsibilities.

HR automation creates a win-win situation. For example, using HR benchmarking means that HR professionals need to focus on their strategic role, while employees experience a smoother, more efficient work life. It’s a recipe for a happy and productive workforce.

9 HR Automation Examples to Streamline Workflows and Boost Efficiency

HR professionals are constantly juggling multiple tasks.  Streamlining workflows through automation is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity.  Here are 9 practical examples of how HR automation can revolutionize your department and boost efficiency:

1. Recruiting

Your recruiting process must be one of the most efficient operations in the company. In today’s competitive talent market, attracting and retaining skilled workers is critical for success. A recent study by the Pew Research Center found that millennials now comprise the largest generation in the U.S. workforce.

By 2030, millennials will make up 75% of the labor force. This tech-savvy generation prioritizes streamlined processes and appreciates working for companies that embrace automation.

  • These tools scan resumes and identify top candidates based on pre-defined criteria, saving your team valuable time and ensuring you focus on the most qualified applicants.
  • Automated email sequences can be used to send personalized updates on the application status, next steps, and company information to reduce manual communication tasks for your team and keep candidates engaged in the process.
  •  Integrate scheduling tools with calendars to find common availability slots for both candidates and hiring managers.

2. Employee Onboarding:

Onboarding sets the tone for a new employee’s experience. Companies with a strong onboarding program experience a 50% reduction in new hire turnover in the first six months so automation can help:

  • Automated Document Collection:

Online portals allow new hires to securely submit required documents like ID proofs and background checks during pre-boarding, reducing manual processing and saving time.

  • Streamlined System Access Setup:

Forget about manually creating user accounts and assigning permissions. Automation can handle this based on job roles, ensuring new hires have the necessary access to company tools and systems from day one.

  • Automated Training Enrollment:

Integrate with Learning Management Systems (LMS) to automatically enroll new hires in required training programs, ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

You Need to Read This: HR Automated Systems Impact On Handbook Writing

3. Offboarding:

Even goodbyes can be efficient. Automation can help manage the offboarding process smoothly:

  • Automated Data Archiving: Ensure compliance and data security by automatically archiving employee data upon their departure based on pre-defined retention policies.
  • Effortless Access Removal: Revoke access to company systems and applications swiftly and securely. Automate the process to eliminate manual configuration and minimize security risks.
  • Simplified Exit Surveys: Gather valuable feedback from departing employees through automated exit surveys. Send personalized emails with relevant questions to gain insights into employee experience and areas for improvement.

4. Paid Leave Management:

Managing leave requests can be a complex and time-consuming process for both HR and employees.  Self-service portals and automated workflows can save HR teams an average of 10 hours per week.

  • Self-Service Request Portals: Empower employees to submit leave requests (vacation, sick leave, etc.) through online portals, eliminating paperwork and streamlining the process. Employees can easily track their leave balances and request approvals electronically.
  • Automated Approval Workflows: Define clear approval rules based on employee type, leave category, and duration. This ensures smooth processing, reduces manual tasks for HR, and provides faster turnaround times for employees.

5. Expense Claims:

Expense reports can be a headache for both employees and HR. Automation can simplify and expedite the process:

  • Automated Submission & Approval: Allow employees to capture and submit expense receipts electronically through mobile apps or web portals. This eliminates paper trails and manual data entry, saving time and reducing errors.
  • Automated Reimbursement: Integrate expense management software with payroll systems to automate reimbursement once claims are approved. This ensures employees receive their reimbursements faster and eliminates the need for manual processing.

6. Payroll:

Payroll is a critical function that requires accuracy and timeliness.  Automation can ensure smooth and efficient payroll processing:

  • Automated Calculations & Deductions: Automate salary calculations, and deductions for taxes and benefits, and ensure accurate and timely payments to employees. This eliminates the risk of human error and reduces the workload for HR teams.
  • Streamlined Tax Filings: Automate tax calculations, withholding, and form generation for a smoother and more efficient tax filing process, saving time and ensuring compliance with regulations.

7. Employee Training

Traditional training often falls flat – lengthy lectures, generic content, and low engagement. But HR automation offers a solution. Here’s how:

  • Break down complex topics into bite-sized, mobile-friendly modules. Employees learn anytime, anywhere.
  • Identify skill gaps and recommend training based on individual needs, not a one-size-fits-all approach.
  • Schedule and deliver content directly to employees based on roles and learning paths. Automated reminders keep them on track.
  • Gamify company training, simulations, and quizzes make learning interactive and improve knowledge retention.

8. Time Management

Forget the paper timesheets and manual calculations! HR automation takes the wheel on time management, keeping your organization running smoothly. Here’s how:

  • Automatic Tracking, Zero Hassle: Employees clock in/out electronically through mobile apps, eliminating manual entries and ensuring accurate data. No more time they were wasted filling out timesheets.
  • Reporting Done Right: Ditch the spreadsheets. Automated systems generate detailed reports on work hours, overtime, and project allocations. Gain valuable insights for better workforce management and billing decisions.
  • Farewell, Buddy Punching: Automated systems minimize the risk of inaccurate timekeeping, promoting fair and reliable data.
  • Flexibility at Work: Catering to a remote workforce? No problem! Employees track hours from anywhere, promoting a flexible and convenient work experience.

9. Employee Performance Tracking

Managing performance in a remote work environment can feel like navigating a minefield.  Gone are the days of easily observing employee activity in an office setting.

However, HR automation offers a solution for remote companies, allowing you to track performance effectively without micromanaging your team.

  • No more paper trails or missed deadlines. The software reminds everyone and streamlines the process. Automated tools like time tracking and project management give valuable insights into employee performance.
  • Set clear goals, track progress automatically, and empower employees with self-development resources.
  • Foster a culture of feedback with anonymous or public peer-to-peer tools for continuous improvement.

So You Want to Automate Your HR Processes? A Step-by-Step Guide

Here’s a roadmap to get you started:

1. Identify Your Needs:

  • Pinpoint areas that are time-consuming, repetitive, or error-prone. This could be anything from recruiting and onboarding to payroll and performance management.
  • Automation needs will differ for a small startup compared to a large corporation with a global workforce so consider your company size and structure first.

2. Research HR Automation Solutions:

  • A variety of HR automation software caters to different needs and budgets. Research features, ease of use, and integrations with existing systems.
  • Seek recommendations and reviews by talking to colleagues in other companies or reading online reviews to gather insights on different software options.

3. Get Everyone on Board:

  • Explain the benefits of automation to all stakeholders, including HR teams, managers, and employees, and address any concerns about job security or changes in workflow.
  • Ensure leadership understands the potential benefits of HR automation and is committed to providing the necessary resources for implementation.

4. Implement and Integrate:

  • Choose a specific area to automate first, such as onboarding or expense claims. This allows you to test the software, identify any potential challenges, and refine your approach before a full-scale rollout.
  • Ensure smooth data flow between your existing HR systems and the new automation software.

5. Train and Support:

  • Provide comprehensive training for HR teams and employees on how to use the new automation tools.
  • Offer ongoing support to address any questions or concerns that may arise.

6. Monitor and Analyze:

  • Monitor how automation impacts your HR processes. Analyze data on efficiency, accuracy, and employee satisfaction to identify areas for further improvement.
  • Regularly assess your automation strategy and adapt it as your needs evolve.

By following these steps and embracing a strategic approach, you can successfully implement HR automation in your company and reap the many benefits it offers.

HR Automation in Action: Real-World Success Stories

HR automation isn’t just a theoretical concept; it’s what HR solutions agencies use to transform how companies across various industries manage their workforce. Here are some inspiring examples that showcase the impact of automation in action:

Tech Startup:

Imagine a rapidly growing tech startup struggling with a manual and time-consuming onboarding process for new hires. The process involved mountains of paperwork, delays in access to necessary tools, and a slow ramp-up time for new employees. This applied also to recruiting for Tech companies.

By implementing HR automation software, they were able to automate document collection, role-based access provisioning, and even training enrollment. This streamlined approach reduced the time it took for new hires to become productive by 50%, allowing them to hit the ground running and contribute meaningfully much faster.


Large manufacturing companies often face challenges tracking employee work hours accurately, especially across multiple shifts and locations. This can lead to errors in payroll and a lack of insights into workforce productivity. One such company addressed this issue by adopting an HR automation system with automated time-tracking features using mobile apps.  Employees simply clocked in and out through the app, eliminating the need for manual timesheets and reducing errors.

This not only saved time and resources but also provided valuable data on work hours, overtime, and project allocation. This data-driven approach empowered them to make better decisions about staffing, scheduling, and project management.

Healthcare Organizations:

Busy healthcare organizations with large staffs often grapple with paper-based systems for managing employee leave requests.  This can be a slow and cumbersome process, frustrating both employees and HR teams.

One healthcare organization implemented HR automation software with self-service portals for leave requests and automated approval workflows. This system allowed employees to submit leave requests electronically, track their leave balances, and receive approvals faster.

For HR teams, the automated workflows eliminated manual processing and ensured a smoother leave management process, freeing up valuable time to focus on other strategic initiatives.


Retail chains with a high volume of employee recruitment often face challenges managing the application process efficiently. The sheer number of applicants can lead to a slow and disorganized recruitment process.

One retail chain decided to tackle this challenge by adopting HR automation software with applicant tracking systems (ATS) and automated communication tools. The ATS system automated resume screening, allowing them to identify qualified candidates faster.

Additionally, automated communication tools sent personalized updates to candidates, keeping them informed throughout the process and improving the overall candidate experience.

These are just a few examples of how HR automation delivers real benefits across various industries. By automating repetitive tasks, leveraging data-driven insights, and focusing on efficiency, companies can create a more streamlined and employee-centric HR function, allowing them to focus on what matters most – their people.


The future of HR is no longer a blurry vision – it’s a clear path paved with efficiency, strategic initiatives, and a laser focus on your people.  By embracing HR automation, you’re not just transforming your HR department – you’re investing in a happier, more productive workforce and a thriving business.

Are you ready to ditch the busy work and empower your HR team to become strategic wizards?

Don’t wait – reach out to Whitecollars HR automation solution providers today to take control of your HR processes and let’s us work on automating your work and train your team to unlock the magic of a more empowered and successful HR team.

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