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HR Services & Company Handbook for a Construction Company


6 months for HR services

Targeted Location



Toronto Tapers Construction Company

No. of Vacancies

Ongoing Recruitment Service


Toronto Tapers is a growing construction company based in Toronto, Ontario. They approached us seeking assistance in developing an employee handbook that aligns with the construction industry and adheres to local regulations in Toronto. Additionally, they required an effective onboarding plan for new employees, both office and site workers. The client also needed ongoing recruitment services and HR consulting to support their hiring process and implement a performance management system. After researching, they chose our services based on our high ratings and competitive pricing.

Rise to the Challenge

The main challenges faced in this project were localizing the employee handbook and onboarding process to the construction industry and complying with federal and local laws governing labor practices in Toronto. Furthermore, the client required a quick turnaround time to address all their HR needs.


Our team of expert HR consultants in Canada thoroughly studied and reviewed Toronto Tapers’ current company structure, policies, systems, and the relevant labor laws specific to the construction industry. Based on this analysis, we tailored the employee handbook to meet our client’s specific requirements while ensuring compliance with labor laws. We conducted extensive research on best practices in employee handbooks and onboarding processes within similar industries to develop the most suitable HR solutions for the client.To ensure effective collaboration and timely completion, we established regular sync-up meetings with stakeholders and the client. This allowed us to address any comments or edits promptly, streamlining the process and minimizing the need for extensive revisions later on. Client involvement and open communication were prioritized through regular virtual meetings, ensuring that our progress aligned with their expectations.


Our project methodology involved several key steps. We started with a thorough needs assessment, analyzing the client’s requirements, industry standards, and local labor regulations in Toronto. Then, we researched employee handbooks and onboarding processes in the construction industry to incorporate best practices. Using our findings, we customized the employee handbook and created a detailed onboarding plan for new employees. We also implemented a performance management system to evaluate and manage employee performance effectively. Throughout the project, we prioritized stakeholder engagement, holding regular sync-up meetings to gather feedback, address concerns, and align with the client’s vision. Collaboration and communication were vital, and we kept the client involved and updated through regular virtual meetings.

Project Deliverables

The project was a resounding success, leaving the client delighted by the positive outcomes. We created a personalized handbook and onboarding plan to ensure they followed the rules and regulations of the industry and local labor laws, minimizing potential risks. The customized onboarding plan made it easier for new employees to adjust to the company culture and contribute effectively. Our performance management system provided a structured way to evaluate and improve employee performance, leading to increased productivity and growth. Additionally, our recruitment services made their hiring process more efficient, helping them find qualified candidates quickly. Overall, our comprehensive HR solutions met the Tapers’ specific needs and positioned them for success in the construction industry.

Project Metrics

Probation Period Success


Client Selection Rate


Time To Fill


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